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玉川一郎, 1999, 超音波風速温度計と赤外線湿度変動計を 用いた渦相関法による乱流輸送量測定の解析法の検討, 水文・水資源学会誌、 Vol.12, No.2, pp.130-138.

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Shimojima, E., R. Yoshioka and I. Tamagawa, 1996, Salinization owing to evaporation from bare-soil surfaces and its influences on the evaporation, J. Hydrology, 178, pp.109-136.

Takahashi, T., K. Suzuki, C. Wang and C. Guo, 1995, Precipitation mechanisms of cloud systems developped in a semi-arid area of Pingliang, China: Videosonde observation, Journ. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 73, pp.1191-1211.

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Takemi, T., 1999, Structure and evolution of a severe squall line over the arid region in northwest China, Mon. Weath. Rev., 127, pp.1301-1309.

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Ichiro Tamagawa 平成14年1月29日