Yalanbee Observation

You can access observed data. Please contact Eiichi Shimojima (Daido Institute of Technology) or Ichiro Tamagawa (Gifu University), to use these data for publishing. The data obtained with the support of the Granr-in-Aid for Scientific Research of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.

Maps in the field

Click to get large figures.
Rough Map in the siteSensor height and distance

Surface Height and Water Contern at 2003 Mar.25

Surface Measurement (Height and WaterContent)
The aws (Vaisala MAWS 101 & 201)
AWSes MAWS 201

DATA ARCHIVE and Quick Look , Daily Plots (pdf)

Fluxes by gradient method (tentative)

Albedo and daylyfluxes


In Google Map, Maybe here!

大きな地図で見る made by I. Tamagawa at 25 Dec. 2000,
last modified 10 Apr. 2003