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: 参考文献 : Some topics on water : Rough water budget analysis

Problems in the research of arid and semi-arid area

From the above sections, the followings are pointed out:

And also the water vapor movement between mountains and bottoms, or its advection may be important, which was not mentioned above.

I personally want to emphasize the importance to research turbulent transfer process, because it might to improve the modeling of surface process. If it can be understand as the continuous process to the local circulation, large convection, or advection, the Monin-Obukhov similarity could be improved after 60 year using.

But to know the water cycle, the measurements on oasis are the most important one, as well as on river flow. It needs to include the measurement of irrigation and of the dry air advection from surrounding desert. There we need to apply some numerical modeling and an observation network to investigate the oasis surrounded by desert. Also the water quality measurement can make good contribution to understand water movement.

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: 参考文献 : Some topics on water : Rough water budget analysis
Ichiro Tamagawa 平成12年8月10日