# file description # XDIM YDIM ZDIM 103 103 60 # DX DY 2000 2000 # # GEOGRAPHY FILE # dim name 2 Height Height of surface 2 Lat Latitude 2 Lon Longitude 2 Corioris Corioris factor 2 Land Land usage GEOEND # # # # dmp FILE 2 U10 x components of velocity at 10m [m/s] 2 V10 y components of velocity at 10m [m/s] 2 P15 pressure at 1.5m [Pa] 2 Pt15 potential temperature at 1.5m [K] 2 Rv15 water vapor mixing ratio at 1.5m 2 Tg0 ground and sea surface temperature [K] 2 H sensible heat over surface [W/m^2] 2 LE latent heat over surface [W/m^2] 2 Qsd downward short wave radiation [W/m^2] 2 Qld downward long wave radiation [W/m^2] 2 Qlu upward long wave radiation [W/m^2] 3 Ubase base state x components of velocity [m/s] 3 U x components of velocity [m/s] 3 Vbase base state y components of velocity [m/s] 3 V y components of velocity [m/s] 3 W z components of velocity [m/s] 3 Pbase base state pressure [Pa] 3 P pressure perturbation [Pa] 3 PTbase base state potential temperature [K] 3 PT potential temperature perturbation [K] 3 QVbase base state water vapor mixing ratio [kg/kg] 3 QV water vapor mixing ratio [kg/kg] 3 CLW cloud water mixing ratio [kg/kg] 3 RAINMR rain water mixing ratio [kg/kg] 3 CLIMR cloud ice mixing ratio [kg/kg] 3 SNOWMR snow mixing ratio [kg/kg] 3 GRAUPEL graupel mixing ratio [kg/kg] 3 CLIC concentration of cloud ice [1/kg] 3 SNOWC concentration of snow [1/kg] 3 GRAUPLEC concentration of graupel [1/kg] 3 TKE turbulent kinetic energy [J/kg] 2 Rainfallrate rain fall rate [m/s] 2 Accumulatedrainfall accumulated rain fall [m] 2 Snowfallrate snow fall rate [m/s] 2 Accumulatedsnowfall accumulated snow fall [m] 2 Graupelfallrate graupel fall rate [m/s] 2 Accumulatedgraupelfall accumulated graupel fall 3 ZPH z physical coordinates [m] DMPEND